The Astrology of Love Languages: How Each Zodiac Sign Expresses Affection


When it comes to love, we all speak a different language—some of us just have a flair for grand romantic gestures, while others are more subtle. And if you’ve ever wondered why your partner showers you with compliments, while you just want a big ol’ hug, astrology might have the answer.

Here’s how each zodiac sign says "I love you" without always using those exact words.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For Aries, love is an action verb. They’re all about showing affection through bold gestures—think surprise road trips, spontaneous dates, or whisking you away for an adventurous weekend. They won’t sit around waiting to express their feelings; they want to
something to prove it. If you’re with an Aries, buckle up, because love is a high-speed chase, not a leisurely walk.

Thanks for reading 💓

